How do I find out my order status?

You can contact your Customer Service Representative to find the status of your order at (800) 257-2300, anytime between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM EST, Monday through Friday.

How do I request a price quote?

If you are a current customer, you can email your request for a price quote directly to your Customer Service Representative. If you are  a new customer or cannot email it, just fax it to (631) 234-7556.

Who is my Customer Service Representative?

You will be assigned a Customer Service Representative after you have submitted your request for a price quote.

What kind of products do you offer?

New York Label & Box Works is built from the ground up to provide the "perfect carton and label combination" for a wide variety of industries and applications. Please browse our website for information on our folding carton, label, and specialty packaging products.

What types of files do you accept?

  • Adobe® Illustrator®

  • Adobe® Photoshop®

  • Adobe® InDesign®

  • Adobe® Acrobat® PDF

  • QuarkXPress®

Can my artwork have reverse type that "knocks out" of multiple colors?

It can but there are certain recommendations that we may make in order for it to print in the best manner possible. Please contact our prepress department for further details.

How can I send my artwork to you?

You can mail it to us or upload it directly. If your file is larger than 20 megs, please contact us to set up a DropSend account.