About us
New York City in the nineteenth century: to sailors and fisherman, it was a port, to merchants, it was an opportunity, to many of our grandparents, it was a new beginning, to the New York Label & Box Works, it was home.
In 1878, The New York Label & Box Works was founded, and in 1930, Frederick Haedrich, Sr. purchased the company that would remain in his family to this day. Printing was rooted in the Haedrich family, and can be traced back across an ocean where ancestors in Germany, the birthplace of modern day printing, ran their own presses for a living. In the early nineteenth century, these ancestors carried across the Atlantic a trade that would span generations of the family to come.
The New York Label & Box Works began as an importer of cartons, and later evolved into a print shop, supplying labels and folding cartons to local drug stores and pharmacies. With special attention to establishing and encouraging lasting relationships with his clientele, Frederick Haedrich nurtured one burgeoning relationship with a local pharmacist whose company would later develop into one of today’s most widely recognized cosmetic branches, still calling on The New York Label & Box Works for quality service and products discovered years ago.